atomic nucleus
- 原子核

The instrument used with was made jointly by our university and the Institute of Atomic Nucleus Research in Shanghai .
All living beings and material have faint magnetic field extremely , the magnetic field to wind by electron atomic nucleus produce when rotating .
On mass distribution within atomic nucleus
Particle moving around their atomic nucleus .
Knockout reaction is a kind of effective method of studying the interior structure of the atomic nucleus .
Mrs Mayer and shell model of the atomic nucleus
The atomic nucleus itself is far from insignificant in the grand scheme of things .
One Becquerel corresponds to the transformation ( disintegration ) of one atomic nucleus per second .
A positively charged atom of hydrogen ; that is to say , a normal hydrogen atomic nucleus .
The sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus .
The four principles of forming atomic nucleus sub cluster structure and isosceles triangle periodic law of nuclein
Scale of Element Electronegativity by Intensive Electrostatic Potential of Atomic Nucleus and Quantity of Electricity of Atomic Valence Shell
When a neutron hits an atomic nucleus , the nucleus can absorb the neutron and become unstable .
Scientists discovered the atomic nucleus in1909 .
Thermal nuclear reactor is the use of hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium atomic nucleus to achieve nuclear fusion reactors .
The amount by which the mass of an atomic nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of its constituent particles .
As we pass an atomic nucleus , to us on the electron it appears as a large charged body moving in the opposite direction .
Although these four models are proposed in the nonrelativistic theory , but all of them have successfully described the atomic nucleus in some areas .
Thomas-Fermi model with spin orbit coupling energy and momentum-dependent potential-energy and its application to the atomic nucleus
According to JRG Fourth statistics theory , the four principles of forming atomic nucleus structure and periodic law of nuclein were first proposed .
The Nucleon Number of the Pervading Layer of the Atomic Nucleus and the Cause of Progressive Decreasing of the Heavy Elemental Lifetime
The transformation of a gamma-ray photon into an electron and a positron when the photon passes close to an atomic nucleus .
Chemistry Physics The natural or induced transformation of an atomic nucleus from a more massive to a less massive configuration by the emission of particles or radiation .
Using the difference between neutron and proton number in atomic nucleus , the " Element 's Periodic Law of Threedimensional ( solid )" is constructed preliminarily .
The Pervading Layer of the Atomic Nucleus , the Action Among the Nucleon and the Mechanical Roots of Decrease Progressively of the Heavy Elemental Lifetime
The method of application of electronic beam irradiation to purify smoke with SO_2 and NO_X , is the practical application of atomic nucleus chemical reaction engineering in the environmental engineering .
Any of three processes of radioactive disintegration in which a Beta particle is spontaneously emitted by an unstable atomic nucleus in order to dissipate excess energy .
The best way to detect dark matter directly is to observe the nuclear recoil which is caused by the weak interaction between the WIMPs and the common atomic nucleus .
They 're crushed by their own immense gravity into a compact quantum-mechanical soup that 's in some ways similar to an atomic nucleus the size of a mountain .
Also , adjacent chains repel each other . Consequently , CMC solutions tend to be both highly viscous and stable . Scale of Element Electronegativity by Intensive Electrostatic Potential of Atomic Nucleus and Quantity of Electricity of Atomic Valence Shell